Saturday, June 20, 2009

Julie's first passport

Now our little sweet pea have got her first passport! She was very fascinated with the camera and the situation didn't allow me to tickle her so that she'd smile on the picture. Where the holder's signature should be it says: Not able to sign!

It wasn't so easy to get a Swedish passport because both parents have to be present at the Police station. To make a long story short... we had booked tickets to Bordeaux and needed a passport pretty fast so to be effective Julie and I went there to fix it while G was working. We filled in the papers, took the photo and paid but still G had to come by and sign the papers. It's very good from a security point of view so that one parent doesen't apply for a passport and leave the country with the child but very annoying when you want to be effective ;-).

The day after Julie and I met up with G to finish the application. But since G doesn'thave a Swedish identification card we had to ask a third person to confirm that "he was he". It wasn't enough that we're married! Well, well... now we have received it in good time before the vacation!

Thank you my dear cousin S for helping us!

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