Monday, July 6, 2009

A minivacation to Kalix

In the middle of June we went up to celebrate my cousin S's graduation and visit my wonderful grandparents in Kalix.

We enjoyed so many things...
my grandma's delicious cooking (such as palt, omelette with chanterelles, all kinds of berries, fika), the light at night, the walk along the river (G ran ;-)!), the visit to Kukkolaforsen, the adventurous search for elks and deers, my grandpa's garden and his statistic book of his harvests since 1972, the first tomato, Julie and the dogs (she especially loves white dogs), the wine and goat cheeses in the evening, the folkdancers, the animals (we laughted so hard when the goat loudly and surprisingly went: Bäääääääähh!)...

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