Friday, May 8, 2009

Julie said Ma-ma!

My husband and I heard her say it clearly and we were both surprised... ok, it was most likely a coincidece of sounds and it will probably take some more months until she says it consciously but she said did it at least: Ma-ma!

Now I'll proudly write in her book that her first word was Ma-ma...or shall I wait until she actually means it?

To hear her say Ma-ma makes me all happy inside and reminds me of my new and wonderful title, responsibility and lifelong love(s)!

For now everything is: Arreu, arreu ;-)!

Picture: Julie (4 months old) and I are shopping in Luleå!


Susanna said...

Åh, vad mysigt - klart hon menade mamma! :) Stor kram från lilla systeryster

Tessan said...

Vad roligt, ma-ma det är stort :) Kram

Camilla said...

Susanna, thank you for agreeing with me that she said Ma-ma ;-)!

Tessan, Yes, Ma-ma is the most important word ;-D!

Åsa said...

It´s so cool that Jolie already has the french rrr´s
I imagine that Adam is trying to sound as a dog voff voff but it´s more like AAouff AAouff.

Kram Åsa!

Åsa said...

I am sorry Julie ofcourse!