Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Recipe for a perfect day

We (and Julie) are getting better routines. Many consecutive hours of sleep. Just came home from the gym, had a thai lunch with G and now Julie and I are on the balcony. I'm in the sun studying for my theory test tomorrow and Julie's playing in the shadow next to me. We've planned to run this evening and then visit the place where we migt have our wedding party next year.

I just want to stop the time for a moment. Take a deep breath, enjoy and reflect.


Picture: Julie on her way to university with mommy (month of may)
Footnote: In the evening we ran in the drizzling warm rain and visited The place but we think it was too small and much better for a baptism. Now we'll continue our hunt for The Wedding Party Place ;-)! Any ideas?


Anonymous said...

Oui la vie est belle et le week end qui arrive va être magnifique! Bisous ma chérie!
Ton homme, ;-)

laet said...

oooh i want to stop the time too!