Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Sleepless in...Stockholm!

Just as we thought that we've got better routines for Julie and us ALL CHANGES! It's not a surprise because our friends that have children have happily informed us of the first fun but difficult year in the baby's life. We feel that we've been very realistic and thought that there wouldn't be so many routines around Julie for several months... but since we're both analytical minds we tried to see a pattern and make sense of what we found. And we thought we'd found routines! Ehrm, noot!

My friend Å divides up her child's devlopement in phases. It's very smart because when it's difficult you at least have a name for it and it feels a little better to say: It's a PHAAASE! Before we had Julie the word phase had little meaning but now it's part of my (almost) daily vocabulary. I think it's like a mantra that makes you feel that's it's just a distinct stage of development and that there will be an end... before the next phase begins ;-)!

No wonder that all parents understand the significance of the word phase!

The ironic thing is that we're about to send out a card to family and friends that happily says: Now we found our rhythm. I'm glad that we added or almost at least!

In order to get more and better sleep we put our hopes to the book my friend S recommended: On becoming babywise. The classic sleep reference guide by Gary Ezzo and Robert Bucknam!

Photo: Julie 2 days old!


Åsa said...

Adam är nu inne i "tappa saker i golvet fasen med flit" Allt åker i golvet,tandborsten är jättekul att tappa. Han vet att han får en reaktion på det han gör. Det måste vara likadant med de livsfarliga sladdarna resonerar jag.Kanske skall jag kalla det "livsfarliga fasen" haha
Kram Åsa.

Camilla said...

Åsa, thank you for coming with us to the baby rhythmic at the Dance museum last week! After that Julie's "talking" much more. She says Da-da, Awda-awda really loudly! I like how you divide A's developement in phases! Kram, C