Monday, April 20, 2009

Arreu, arreu...

Our little French/Swedish daughter says "Arreu, arreu..." and my husband and I quickly and happily reply "Ouiii, arreu, arreu..."

It's amazing that she's begun to train for the French language already! We've made an interesting observation that it's only Julie that makes those sounds among the babies in our circle of friends. ALL Swedish babies say "Ga-ga", "Ma-ma" or "Da-da"! Dear Swedish friends please correct me if I'm wrong.

For now my husband speaks only French with her and I speak Swedish and sing French songs... the thing is that the songs and their melodies have stuck to my head as a chewing gum and refuse to leave. So now nothing else can fit in my head but...

...Savez-vous planter les choux, A la mode á la mode... Bonjour ma cousine, Bonjour mon cousin germain... Alouette gentille aloutte, Aluette je te plumerai...

Well, hopefully I will improve my French at least... Arrreu, arreu! Thank you A and L for the great music cd with "Chansons et comptines de notre enfance"!!

For the Swedish people that know the song Alouette: The song is actually about "plucking" the feathers from a lark (Swedish: lärka), presumably in preparation for cooking. A lark is considered to be a small bird considered to be suitable for food. All the verses are the same except the part of the body... the head, the nose, the eyes, the tail... a pretty cruel children song when you listen to the lyrics ;-)!

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