Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The lost baby carrier

During our last trip to my grandparents up in the north of Sweden (Luleå and Kalix) I managed to lose our baby carrier Baby Bjorn. Probably in the cab going from the airport? Well, when you travel with a child it's like travelling with a circus (and we just have one daughter!). It wasn't that she was sad or anything -quite the contrary- but things like stroller, car seat, clothes... ok, you got it!

So now we're about to buy a new baby carrier but are stuck between a Manduca and an Ergo... It's a tough decision for me because I've heard positive things about both of them and despite my research I haven't come to a conclusion yet. Any piece of good advice out there?

In the picture you see Julie 2 months old in her Baby Bjorn on our first trip on the subway.

Footnote: I've now ordered an Ergo baby carrier! At the open pre-school today I tried both the Manduca and the Ergo and I thought the latter was better...more ergonomic ;-)!


laeti said...

hi camilla!!!
i've got this baby bag :

big bisous

Camilla said...

Laet: Your baby carrier seems great! I carried Julie in her new baby carrier and she seems to enjoy it. It's so much easier than using the stroller sometimes! Hugs, Camilla